
Rebel Plays a love letter
Rebel Plays a love letter
Rebel Plays a love letter
Rebel Plays a love letter
Rebel Plays a love letter

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Rebel Plays a love letter

29,00 €


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Enter the king's palace and win the heart of the princess! A Love Letter 2 to 6 absentees compete to get their letter into the king's hands. Because she is looking for an ideal candidate for husbands and confidants when she takes the throne. What does this mean? The Love Letter game is a series of rounds where you use allies, friends and royals to deliver a love letter written by the king to you. The card in the hands represents the form that is now carrying your letter. However, this shape can change during the round as you draw and play cards. Each form you can take has a unique effect. Therefore, it is worth playing them thoughtfully and trying to check what cards they may have for opponents. Some effects help eliminate other toy participants! The game is won by the player who ends it with the highest marked card or who is the only one who did not drop it.

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Rebel Plays a love letter

Rebel Plays a love letter